Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Hearts ~ I'm thankful for the little things! Like Hearts ♥, James and I give each other hearts, usually ornament type hearts, wood, glass, paper cloth, metals, crystal, musical, themed...when one of us sees one that makes us think of the other we get it. Often they are gifts for Anniv., Birthday, Christmas....but James came in with his hand behind his back at 11:30pm after working a 13hr. day and handed me a simple little woven heart with a red ribbon. It is beautiful and made me cry! While he was taking care of his client one of the older neighbor ladies came by to check on his patient and give one of the hearts she had made as a cheer up gift. James got to talking to her and found out that she is making them to sell at a craft fair in a few weeks so he went next door and bought one for me! When I started crying over the fact that he would think to buy me a hand woven heart in the middle of such a long hard day of work, he started crying too, so we sat here on just an ordinary day made extraordinary by his thoughtful and generous heart which was portrayed by this little woven heart we held between us! I'm thankful for James, His Big Heart and all our little hearts that remind me of all the times he thinks of me!

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